Cambridge MA
April 15th and 16th, 2013
Weren't able to attend? Here's an overview of the speakers, events and highlights. I tried to be brief, but this conference was delightfully content rich. Just the venue itself was a treat. Most of our sessions were in the Stata Center on the MIT campus. The campus is a stunning array of fascinating architecture, the Stata Center designed by Frank Gehry one of the most dramatic.
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Stata Center, MIT Architect: Frank Gehry |
2. Andy Clayman, Creative Director, Avenues: The World School
In the Beginning: Building creativity from the ground up
Avenues: The World School is a private school with a campus in Manhattan built from the ground up to create an environment that facilitates learning, creativity and preparation for life as a global citizen. Numerous YouTube videos are available about the campus and the philosophy as well as Clayman's presentation. As they describe on their site, "Among the most distinguishing features of Avenues is the concept of one school with 20 or more campuses in major cities around the world. Once realized, this system will allow fluid exchanges between campuses of students and teachers, as well as a full range of interactive collaborations." Stunning physical space, enlightened philosophy only down side is very expensive tuition. How can this be modified and adapted for a wider audience?
TAKE AWAY: Sure, we have the brain power to come up with an kick-ass school but at a price that puts it out of reach for the 99%.
BEST LINK: Introductory video
BONUS Surprise: Sandbox Summit gave all of us a $50 certificate to donate to the teacher of our choice on Donors Katie Bisbee gave us some background information about the organization. Such a wonderful expression of the best of human nature on all levels. I used this gift card to support Mrs. Miller's classroom at Perrymont Elementary School here in Lynchburg, VA and Mrs. William's class at J M Hanks High School in El Paso, TX.
3. Margaret Robinson, Managing Director, Hide & Seek
New Games/Old Rules: How we play today
I was interested in attending Sandbox because I am not a gamer. I want to have a better understanding of the value of games in an educational environment. Margaret talked about games as collaboration, inspiration, exploration and tools for sparking the imagination. Games as vehicles for creating community and games as a challenge to learn a system. For games to work, they need to be dynamic, intimate, artificial (too much like work if they aren't) and competitive, even if against yourself. This was one of my favorite sessions.
Two of their products really caught my attention. Tate Trump is a very cool in-museum app (Tate Modern, London) that prompts visitors to collect images from the collection on their iPhones and try to outdo other players. The criteria for the games? If pitted against each other, which objects or people (represented in artwork in the museum) would do better in battle? Which images best communicate exhilaration, menace or absurdity. I see their criteria as a bit off the wall, which of course makes it more interesting. Predictable would have been....well, predictable. I'm curious about their process on developing this game. I suspect it is lots of fun to play and popular.
Another game series Hide & Seek created is 99 Tiny Games. Their objective was to make inclusive competititve events that everyone could enjoy during the 2012 Olympics in London. They came up with a scheme that placed game instructions in 99 locations around London. I checked out a few of the activities, but would love to learn about every one. Number 61 is The Dum Dum Game, a sight and sound game for two or more players. With a good view of a number of people, one player will say dum, dum in cadence with the stride one set of people they observe. The other game player must pick out the correct set of people that sync with that cadence. Watch this video to see how it all works.
Image of Tiny Games from |
TAKE AWAY: The folks at Hide & Seek are brilliant. Games can bring people together in a unique experience that builds community. There is value in fun and diversion.
BEST LINK: 99 Tiny Games, Wall Street Journal video
4. David Sherwin, Principal Designer, frog design
Hacking How We Learn; Everyday lessons in good design
frog design is a very large design firm with irons in many fires. frog has put a lot of energy into finding ways to use the design process to help communities that are not necessarily empowered with the skills, tools and time to improve their lives. Their work with "The Girl Effect" was particularly impressive. The Girl Effect is a nonprofit collaborative movement by various organizations to explores the use of digital media to help girls form community and help each other. They worked with girls in three of the largest urban slums in Nairobi to help them make connections and facilitate change in their communities. The testimonials of the girls were quite moving. They have made available to anyone their Collective Action Toolkit, resources and activities to collaboratively create solutions for community problems.
TAKE AWAY: Hard for me to wrap my head about the wide and diverse range of "products" from a huge multinational company I had never heard of, but very glad to know they are putting their expertise to good work helping girls communicate and understand how they can help each other.
BEST LINK: The Girl Effect
5. Howard Gardner, Harvard Professor of Cognition and Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education interviewed by former student Carla Seal-Wanner, Director o Education and Curriculum, FlickerLab
A Conversation with Howard Gardner: Creating media for a complex world
Gardner has spent his career thinking about the multiple intelligences children bring to learning. He defines these "minds" as ways of learning and processing information; disciplined mind, synthesizing mind, creative mind, respectful mind and ethical mind. Gardner sees 21st century literacy as being communication plus media fluency.
TAKE AWAY: Shame on US educational system for letting the Finns take "our" research and leave us in the dust.
BEST LINK: Smithsonian magazine article about schools in Finland
6. Fred Newman, President, Barking Dog Productions
Growing Up Weird: A story told with words and sounds
Absolutely one of the highlights of the conference. A son of the South, Fred entered the auditorium whirling a musical device over his head and singing. It took me a few minutes to realize that this wasn't someone's idea of a prank. Check out his website, you will get a sense of the flavor of his folk humor and charismatic personality. Sound gets our attention, Fred's certainly did. Fred's advice is to live the story as you tell it and tell it in the present tense.
TAKE AWAY: Story is first, but sound is second, image is third. Fred is a very cool guy. Talented and not afraid to be who he is. Great inspiration for kids.
BEST LINK: Fred on Sesame Street
7. Art Smarts: How MoMA inspires creativity in kids
Led by Elizabeth Margulies, Assistant Director of Family Programs, MoMA and Cari Frisch, Associate Educator, Family Programs, MoMA
I had very recently visited the Art Lab at MoMA so there were few surprises with this workshop. The Art Lab is a fabulous resource for families. Check out my recent article about my visit. In the workshop we were given supplies and tasks that were very similar to what might happen in the Art Lab. We played and made art with such props as laminated cut paper and cardboard sculpture. A sad note, it was during this workshop that we learned of the Boston Marathon bombings.
TAKE AWAY: Art Lab and the Education Program at MoMA are well conceived and I will definitely stay tuned.
BEST LINK: Current Art Lab video trailer
8. Geoff Nelson, Co-Founder and President of Cricket Moon Media
From Easel to iPad: The evolution of creativity tools
Geoff recommends these criteria for creativity app design; open ended exploration, play and endless challenges. He references an idea Chris Donnelly presents on his blog that creative freedom and structure have a dynamic relationship. Too little structure inhibits creativity and too much structure does the same. There is a sweet spot when structure augments the creative process.
Some apps he recommended are 123D Sculpt; Pitch Painter (very cool composing tool which is described as musical finger paint), Scribblify, Node Beat and STRAVA. The last is an app that lets you map your bike ride as you do it. Some users have used the app to make art by planning routes that draw recognizable objects on the map.
123D Sculpt |
TAKE AWAY: Brilliant conceptualizing can happen in minutes with the right structure and mind set. Watch what Geoff and Cricket Moon Media are publishing, especially independent productions.
BEST LINK: Their Egg Foo You app
9. Gregg and Evan Spiridellis, Co-Founders of Jib Jab Media Inc and StoryBots
Storytelling 2.0
I fell in love with these "boys". I already knew I loved their products, they were half of the reason I came to Sandbox. They were charming, savvy presenters and had a wonderful story to tell of persevering, having a solid creative strategy and plain ole hard work. We all know them for their political animated video "This Land is Your Land" from the 2004 presidential campaign. What I didn't know is that they were on the verge of throwing in the towel right before "This Land" went viral. Fast forward to today and they have had 80 million views for that video. That was a memorable jolt but they still had to craft a business model that would make money. They hit upon customizing content which allowed customers to use their own images on JibJab templates. Now as fathers and family men, they focus on media for children with their site StoryBots. As I got to share with the brothers as I almost tackled them as they were leaving the Stata Center, I think their book Biggest Pizza Ever is one of the best stories ever. I look forward to reading many new StoryBots. |
BEST LINK: Biggest Pizza Ever
10. Mathias Crawford, Stanford Graduate Fellow, Department of Communication, Stanford University
After the Sandbox: Everything we didn't learn in kindergarten
A bit brain dead by this time Tuesday afternoon, my take away from Mathias is that the best kind of play requires/encourages attention to the other, as in bebop and jazz. He said his game of choice is Cold Claim.
TAKE AWAY: Jazz is a collaborative game
11. Alan Schulman, Chief Creative Officer, SapeintNitro
It's a Brand new World: Moving from storytelling to storyscaping
Alan felt that collaboration was the best creative model, referencing previous speaker Mathias's jazz and bebop references. He described storyscaping as: understanding experience space, ie retaining more from the experience than the story; an organizing or Big Idea, copy, tranform, combine; develop a storyscape and lastly never use a period, always a comma, keep things going.
TAKE AWAY: Everything is a Remix has found fans on every level. A MUST SEE.
BEST LINK: Everything is a Remix
12. Dale Dougherty, President and CEO of Maker Media
Make it Happen: Turning ideas into innovations
The Maker Movement is changing industry, culture and education. The idea is to change the passive consumer into a producer and an uninspired student into an engaged learner. Dale works to create spaces in schools, communities and online to help kids and adults build, tinker, explore, fail and become creative makers. Huh, this is what artists do... The maker movement is a return to play and focuses on activities that build confidence. The Maker Mindset is interdisciplinary, interacts with others and is playful. He pointed out, and I concur, we live in a time of tactile deficiency. Dale left us with this thought. You can learn to do anything.
TAKE AWAY: Support local arts programs, artists are makers. Incorporate more technology into my kids arts programs.
BEST LINK: Young Makers, makers in education
13. Pitch Sessions with Jean Hammond, Learn Launch, Learn LaunchX
Unfortuneaty now I am running on only the few brain cells still firing. Jean Hammond of Learn Launch hosted a number of companies as they pitched their apps for potential funding. School Fuel, customizes apps and resources for schools, referencing Common Core Standards.; BoomWriter for collaborative writing, TimeTribe developed by an anthropologist and OutThink, presenting Tornado Maker to manipulate weather phenomenon. Very solid presentations with Tornado Maker my clear favorite.
TAKE AWAY: These were robust companies pitching that had invested both lots of time in money to get where they were.
BEST LINK: Tornado Maker Kickstarter video
20130416 LearnLaunch - School Fuel
20130416 Sandbox Summit LearnLaunch - Tiggly
20130416 Sandbox Summit LearnLaunch - BoomWriter
20130416 Sandbox Summit LearnLaunch - The Time Tribe
20130416 Sandbox Summit LearnLaunch - Yummico
20130416 Sandbox Summit LearnLaunch - Outthink
20130416 Sandbox Summit LearnLaunch - Cognii
Kudos and a big thanks to Claire and Wendy for a job well done providing an opportunity to build community and exchange stimulating ideas.
Thank you Scott Traylor from for the session video.
Just to share, here are video links many of the Sandbox Summit presenters. A few more to come!
20130415 Sandbox Summit - Andy Clayman, Building Creativity
20130415 Sandbox Summit - Katie Bisbee of Donors Choose
20130415 Sandbox Summit - A conversation with Howard Gardner
20130416 Sandbox Summit - Joi Podgorny of Animal Jam, COPPA
20130416 Sandbox Summit - Dale Dougherty keynote - Make it happen
20130416 Sandbox Summit - Mathias Crawford: After the Sandbox
20130416 Sandbox Summit - JibJab keynote - Storytelling 2.0
20130416 Sandbox Summit LearnLaunch - School Fuel
20130416 Sandbox Summit LearnLaunch - Tiggly
20130416 Sandbox Summit LearnLaunch - BoomWriter
20130416 Sandbox Summit LearnLaunch - The Time Tribe
20130416 Sandbox Summit LearnLaunch - Yummico
20130416 Sandbox Summit LearnLaunch - Outthink
20130416 Sandbox Summit LearnLaunch - Cognii